Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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--- Quote from: Hicks on July 08, 2011, 14:33 ---Well, how progress going? ::)

--- End quote ---

Hamada said he would do testing in July because he has some holidays.  So I was working on a story map and made a surprise little additional character muha.  There is also another story map including Horztal and probably Hive I have to fix up.

Besides that I've been cleaning up animations, the new Trader, M202A1 other stuff, and finally the tank.  Have separate driver and cannon turret placement, just need the mg to work correctly.  And adding static meshes to the V3 collection.  I really want to make an MP5 or something similar with a red dot sight...

But I'll have to start preparing for Hamada's work with V3, hence mapping.  With an outline when I get a basic copy of V3 I can start writing tutorials and making little example maps.

Hamada working up to his holidays is fixing many and various bugs, like vehicle log spam which he's been tracking down and eliminating, besides old KF log stuff.  That includes having objectives, respawns, most of which he's completed, just bugs.


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on July 08, 2011, 20:26 ---
 So I was working on a story map and made a surprise little additional character muha. 

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I'm curious and hope it's Mr.Foster (I think he would fit into this game), but let's see: maybe you got a much better idea^^

Wow, that's great! :o
Especially additional character. I guess, many ppl will chose it after V3 release ;D

--- Quote ---And adding static meshes to the V3 collection.
--- End quote ---
Hell yeah, that's cool news too. I hope there will be some new corpses for more gore in maps, muha.

well. new Traders.

New ennemies, Story mods.

New guns.

This only make us more impatient, we can't wait for V3, There much more people then I tought there would be.  I can only wish good luck and a good mapping, and wait for the result. after all. I'm a player.

Not sure many will choose the new character, don't know which to choose myself.

not a new character exactly muha

corpses - well 2 heads, nearly.

But, sry to keep you all waiting :/


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