Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
She reminds me some kind of carnaval... ;D And these heads make her a little creepy. But i like it, this trader definitely better than we have at the moment.
I think the eye blocker is unnecessary. Also, face should be less white to make it look more natural.
mmmm i actually knew a girl who looked nearly like that, not a killer so far as I knew, but trust me, I never asked her.
Freaky eyes - she had two, totally black and with the white face - not makeup. She kept sending me notes asking do I want to f*uck her? Then she'd stare at me, no smile. She lived with her family in a run down house in an evil side of town. The whole area looked like bad parts of Stalker.
Yeah, cool story bro but ture. I never said yes to her notes. So that girl was somewhere strange that i never want to go. Like my brain said to me, no, no and NO. ???
So I put all that feeling into making of the new Trader + some other freaky shit I lived thru.
Familiar situation :D
I don't like that new trader, she seem, unnatural.
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