Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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 >:( DPH,

DPH stands for Dumb Punk Hass-hole.


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on July 21, 2011, 01:52 ---Some progress Finished the MP5  except...

It needs 3 fire modes which UT base code will not allow. [Three modes = 1/ fire 2/ light 3/ view down the sight -- each is considered a FireMode in UT code].

--- End quote ---

Why not making this issue easier?
Ok, I don't know anything about UT programming, but my idea is following:
Let's say we bind the light to any single  key - not as a firemode. Then you could simply add sth like a tag to the weapons - is it set to "true" you will be able to turn on/off the light.

What about if you tried making it work similar to the 9mm in retail KF?

yep trying all that shit to make the guns have 3 fire modes; fire, light and aim.

Yea, as I said: better cancel the light as firemode - You can implement a flashlight seperately in the game and later mess around with it's code


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