Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Sth. else which pisses me off from the beginning: The Winchester has no backsight -.-
I'd like to fix the model, but I'm just trying to get familiar with the UnrealED :/
Anyway, after searching and searching I found the section where I can edit the weapon animations, but I didn't find any modelling options.
So my question: Do I have to use Blender for this task?
I confess, I never tried that program, but I'm sure I will get used to it very soon...
By The way: Just saw a video about the Winchester: in the game the reloading animation looks like it gets loaded from underneath, but in RL the reloading hole is on the right side - maybe I will try to fix that later if I know how to make these animations, also I will add it to the skin texture.
--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on July 26, 2011, 10:23 ---Sth. else which pisses me off from the beginning: The Winchester has no backsight -.-
I'd like to fix the model, but I'm just trying to get familiar with the UnrealED :/
Anyway, after searching and searching I found the section where I can edit the weapon animations, but I didn't find any modelling options.
So my question: Do I have to use Blender for this task?
I confess, I never tried that program, but I'm sure I will get used to it very soon...
By The way: Just saw a video about the Winchester: in the game the reloading animation looks like it gets loaded from underneath, but in RL the reloading hole is on the right side - maybe I will try to fix that later if I know how to make these animations, also I will add it to the skin texture.
--- End quote ---
The old Winchester irritated me, incorrect reload no back sight like you say, so I made a new one for V3 community patch. For both Survival and Storymode:
You won't find modelling options to change animations in UT. The only way to change the current Winch version is get the original model with the animation.
click for full size:<img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
Inside the top you can see the firing pin and part of the loader arrangement in the pic below. The bolt returns and the loader with firing pin go back bringing up another cartridge. Annoying part is can't see the player using the lever to reload in the vid. But old version can't see the lever moving either. It's how the gun is positioned in the hand, the lever can never be seen.
Also notice, back sight ^^
click for full size: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
click for full size: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
Can see in the vid the cartridges being inserted in the load area as shown on the pic below:
click for full size: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
WOW, that's awesome!
Looking extreme realistic^^
Some more progress. Working on the Browning 1919 .30 cal
Short clip testing on various zombies (normal difficulty mode - slightly easier than the Server difficulty):
A few bugs to fix. That vid clip generated about 10 meg of log spam errors. The bullet strap and hammer don't move. They do on the Pinz Brownings but that's using ONS and TD Vehicle code.
I sent it to Hamada, but been a couple of days he hasn't downloaded anything so he's away working somewhere poor guy XD
Old pics, but in case you didn't see them yet...
Edit: the Browning has rotation up and down which I'm trying to limit, but yep, the player goes up and down off the ground as he pitches forward and back, so it doesn't look right.
Another edit: Slim commented in a PM that the Browning looks more accurate than using the old Winchester (also that in the vid the new Winch didn't seem very accurate. As yet it isn't - still have to sight in).
The Browning is 7.62mm (about .303), and it's kicking out a half dozen shots in the squeeze of a trigger - so the sheer force of shot gives the illusion of it being more accurate.
Have to thank Alex Quick and his team again for the code, and of course the fking amazing KF concept!!!!!!
A stupid question but is Alex Quick working on something right now?
Is he aware of this update? If yes, what does he think? :p
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