Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
--- Quote from: Vanico on July 28, 2011, 11:41 ---A stupid question but is Alex Quick working on something right now?
Is he aware of this update? If yes, what does he think? :p
--- End quote ---
He's working on "Depth" - his usual gritty style
Aware? I'm guessing yes - if KF was my creation I would be.
Approves? I hope so. Our efforts for V3 are homage to his inspiration.
v3 looks A.W.S.O.M.E. .
New guns, New zombies, new Modes, and something differant drom boring Retails, what can you ask else ?
Yeah, Fire and water bugs... lol... (I hide)
I have to slow down and wait for Hamada to catch up.
How long is it now for V3, a year... 2 ??? I'm irritated waiting. I start to hate programme shit I can't fix. But Hamada is an A1 programmer.
So I wait, stop, take a break. I don't want to write to hamada atm, I'm irritated. But I know he's a good guy and working hard.
Progress, lol... I have to learn fucking patience, arghhhhhhhhhhh. I want to do missions, shoot shit and blow the crap out of stuff... soon XD
Poor Snipe...
Hey, I got an idea: if you are bored, just start a project like this one ;D
Atm I'm planing to make a gadget like that ;)
Would also be a funny, but hard to programme weapon for the next KF
How it works:
One (or multiple) electromagnetic coil accelerates a steel bolt, then it turns off and bolt keeps flying to the target ;P
...unfortunately these guns need lots of electric power (one battery pack should last 10-15 shots -.-)
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