Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Snipe, can you wait finishing V3 until next month? I want to be back before it's out xD


--- Quote from: Vanico on August 03, 2011, 14:49 ---Snipe, can you wait finishing V3 until next month? I want to be back before it's out xD

--- End quote ---

I was a little depressed when I first read what Vanico said, thinking: when tf will V3 ever happen!  Since then, today, I got an email from Hamada with links to download V3 code!!! and I did that =D  But!! he has to send me an email at the weekend with details of how it all works.  And!! I'm not sure what he's done about zombie spawns or player respawns.  There's still various problems with the Browning, and with the M10/MSG-90/Glock: I want their lights to work and make it so they can 'raise' 'aim' --- the 3 fire mode problem - code beyond my ability to fix.

But those things can be fixed in a patch.  Most important, the M10.MSG-90/Glock work and will be in V3 release.  The Browning, not sure if that will be fixed for the release but Hamada has the skill and it will be done - so probably browning added in a patch.

Past few weeks I gave up on coding and returned to maps and meshes.  As I make a map I add more static meshes for mappers.  Current map is a beach assault map.  Large map.  After beach langing, go thru the countryside, find an object (I'm making a small English village atm, pretty detailed) - find object and take it to... the end of the map... i suppose.  Hamada will be explaining the objectives / carry objects to me as I said at the weekend.

I tried one of his test story maps and the object carried can be seen on the back of the player, so that's nice work.  If the player dies, another player will pick up the object, I would guess is what happens.

So I'm happy some progress is happening!!

yay good news!

good to hear,  but what's with 3 firemodes?

Imo, not everything needs "raise aim". I proably never used it with bullpup.
I wouldn't like another button than altfire for raise-aim.

Wow, that's cool!

--- Quote ---As I make a map I add more static meshes for mappers.
--- End quote ---
Fck yea 8)

--- Quote ---I tried one of his test story maps and the object carried can be seen on the back of the player, so that's nice work.  If the player dies, another player will pick up the object, I would guess is what happens.
--- End quote ---
I like this idea. Btw, sounds kinda like demolition (can't remember game mode exactly) in cod4\cod6. Or even in CS1.6 :D


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