Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
--- Quote from: Snipe34 on August 10, 2011, 20:24 ---
I want their lights to work and make it so they can 'raise' 'aim' --- the 3 fire mode problem - code beyond my ability to fix.
--- End quote ---
In that case better forget about the light - it's not really important.
Maybe I will learn how to write code for UT - at least I got some ideas how to implement that flashlight, but atm I'm not able to write the code...
Lights not so important, true. Not sure how it would work anyways. Alt and choose either aim or light would be really irritating. Alternate light keybind would be best idea. Probably later patch.
Ye BP aim is useless and I rarely use it either. Modified now as I said somewhere else...
----------------- mainly for mappers ----------------------
New Meshes for V3. I made nearly 9megs =about 35meg of textures, not including new weapons and vehicles. Although only about 9 meg, my meshes are probably less than 1/4 the polys of the average old KF mesh. They purposely added more polys to each mesh because it helps light a mesh. I discovered sometimes that works, sometimes not, so I went for less polys. My HappyHour sky mesh is 99 polys, the old KF sky mesh is about 600 polys. Can you notice any difference in the skybox visual?
But with many faces, or not so many - a mesh will still sometimes be totally dark. To fix that, change the meshes' Display > AmbientGlow to probably 10 or something and the mesh will be lit more brightly. Also in Display > ScaleGlow also works, but a rebuild is needed to see the difference.
Low poly meshes reduce lag so I went for low. My 9meg of meshes is equal to old KF's 14 meg of meshes. I'm not criticizing old KF's methods. I made a choice. But atm I'm having problems with a house wall face, 2 polys which won't light. I can't use AmbientGlow because the rest of the house will go bright too. Workaround: either add more polys to the house mesh or use bsp for the problem wall. I'll use bsp over the dark mesh wall because bsp nearly always lights properly. But I'll probably use flat plane bsp and then click 1 sided. But I will add the plane bsp using SpecialBrush: Semi-Solid. That'll result in less than 5 faces rather than adding 50 or 60 faces all over the house... (which may not work anyway). And the street of the house has 7 houses...
I should make a tutorial about lighting, and more about collision too with some pics ^^
Anyway dudes V3 is coming slowly slowly but it's coming and it's looking awesome.
--- Quote ---My HappyHour sky mesh is 99 polys, the old KF sky mesh is about 600 polys. Can you notice any difference in the skybox visual?
--- End quote ---
No visual difference for me. Also, HappyHour is pretty optimized - it wasn't cause slow down on my previous laptop.
Well, this is another great news ;) Ehh, can't wait for v3 release... last thing i was waiting so hard is a Dead Space 2 :D
--- Quote from: Hicks on August 12, 2011, 08:07 ---
--- Quote ---My HappyHour sky mesh is 99 polys, the old KF sky mesh is about 600 polys. Can you notice any difference in the skybox visual?
--- End quote ---
No visual difference for me. Also, HappyHour is pretty optimized - it wasn't cause slow down on my previous laptop.
Well, this is another great news ;) Ehh, can't wait for v3 release... last thing i was waiting so hard is a Dead Space 2 :D
--- End quote ---
Right there with you 'can't wait'!!
So yeah a tut on optimize - i don't think you need that - although i never looked in your maps properly except I used them for experiments.
hf in Arabia!
...about the 3 firingmodes thing:
I just have taken a look in the actor class section of the UnrealEd. I confess this game is very complex - maybe too complex for me, but after searching a long while I finally found something interesting.
What I want is to give Snipe some inspiration...
Well, just let me tell about my idea:
Let's say for the first we make a simple flashlight, maybe based on the pistol script located in
Maybe the flashlight code will look like this:
--- Code: ---class SingleAttachment extends KFFlashlightAttachment;
var Actor TacShine;
var Effects TacShineCorona;
var bool bBeamEnabled;
// Prevents tracers from spawning if player is using the flashlight function
simulated event ThirdPersonEffects()
if( Flashlightswitch==1 )
simulated function Destroyed()
if ( TacShineCorona != None )
if ( TacShine != None )
simulated function UpdateTacBeam( float Dist )
local vector Sc;
if( !bBeamEnabled )
if (TacShine == none )
TacShine = Spawn(Class'Single'.Default.TacShineClass,Owner,,,);
TacShine.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
else TacShine.bHidden = False;
if (TacShineCorona == none )
TacShineCorona = Spawn(class 'KFTacLightCorona',Owner,,,);
TacShineCorona.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
TacShineCorona.bHidden = False;
bBeamEnabled = True;
Sc = TacShine.DrawScale3D;
Sc.Y = FClamp(Dist/90.f,0.02,1.f);
if( TacShine.DrawScale3D!=Sc )
simulated function TacBeamGone()
if( bBeamEnabled )
if (TacShine!=none )
TacShine.bHidden = True;
if (TacShineCorona!=none )
TacShineCorona.bHidden = True;
bBeamEnabled = False;
--- End code ---
You also have to add a flashlight script where you attach this script to (it should have a function/variable called "Flashlightswitch").
And you have to find a way to bind that flashlight to a button on the keyboard.
The Flashlight must not be scripted like a weapon - It should work whenever you press your light key.
[...this should be enough for the beta version of firingmode 3 ;) ...]
If you have done all this I MAYBE have an idea for the next step - but to explain this step in short: you should find a way to make this flashlight case-sensitive, which means you can only turn it on if you have changed to a weapon which ALLOWS a flashlight
...I hope I could help you a little bit
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