Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
No progress or maybe some, depends on your pov.
Y'all keep asking about V3, Raj and me are as much in the dark as everyone.
Appreciate everyone's got rl: school work; commitments. Hamada only answers emails occasionally, but most of the stuff I ask him, he ignores. So my unanswered reply emails to him get ruder and ruder. Best I leave him be. Besides that I asked Strel0k on XFire if Hamada was unwell or something, so silence, then he goes AFK. Also Hamada silence then AFK when I tried him on Steam. I thought maybe it was his gf or something. I've made many excuses for their rudeness and ignorance, now I'm sick to fuck with them.
I don't want to wait another 2 years, 3 years 4 or whatever. It'll be quicker if I learn the mf code and finish V3 that way.
I believe, you can do this, Snipe 8)
It seems Hamada tired with v3 and maybe that's because he ignore email... anyway, as i understand, most v3 stuff is finished, right? And these problems with 3rd firemode\flashlight can wait next patch i think... how many times we really need use flashlight, huh? There is not so much maps, that really dark. So, i think maybe finish most imporant parts of v3 and release it, but other things such as flashlight can wait.
Yeah you really can ;D.
Hicks is really right, some stuff can wait.
Agree with you both about flashlight can wait. Stuff that's too hard, I'll leave until later. Like you say, get V3 finished!
I've already made quite a few changes, like bp, law and fixed chainsaw. KFS Shop seems to be working ok, except the list is blue and nearly invisible. Not all guns are listed, but blunderbuss listed 3 times. Dunno about the molotov... Player respawns, most important - have to check what happens, and how progress thru a storymap works. That's the priority.
So I'm checking stuff fixing as I go. I'll keep you updated.
I have a question:
Do we have to replace the trader in EVERY map now?
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