Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Don't have to replace the trader. She is replaced automatically by the new trader muha
edit: some progress I rebuilt the KFMod.u successfully. Means I can add change and modify.
anyways some progress is happening but not looking forward to the next problem(sssss) :s
one point bitting, why a chainsaw ? It seem trather common in zombie games, even if I played really not many zombies games.
and just a suggestion, what about some random bosses, or mini-boss, maybe 3 out of 9 or something like that, to make sure the games is always differant.
Well. I'M happy that porgress is going on, and for now, to be honest, you can skip next flashlight,we don't use it often and there is a lot of haten toward dark map, in closed aera, one player can lighten the way for others too, but that is my opinion, 3rd mode flashlight will give more power to player.
Hamada was the coder expert with new monsters, I'm learning... But first v3, later we can learn modify and add stuff. Raj is doing some stuff too, now that we can work with the KFmod code. Raj will add a hud pic soon.
atm, I'm trying to add new weapons to trader - I spent about 15hours with that, so i'll have a little break fixing other V3 stuff and come back to it.
Other stuff: bp is 5.56mm but the power is less than the pistol. So bp is a popgun. I trebled bp's power, made the scope accurate (and with proper red dot, not the lipstick dab). Made it more expensive than the HS, because bp is truly dangerous, as it should be... The MP3008 will replace bp - is 9mm with 40shot mag - has slightly more power than the pistol - because longer barrel. What do you think? Happy with bp changes...?
Glock17+dual now replace the current pistol. Soon new Winchester1873 (with correct load) etc, to replace current.
Added new Law sight.
Optimized old KF animations - so anim file size loses 4 meg. (from about 17meg to 14meg)
I already made sights, glocks, so it took me a short time to add this stuff and optimize - my main work is the v3 code.
Slim Cognito is trying to code a new 'top up' vest so player doesn't have to buy full vest. He may be able to fix it, may not, we'll see how it goes.
Hicks is learning about story maps and spawners which he already know a fair bit about - I will have to write a tut about ScriptedTrigger possibilities.
progress continues yayaya!
--- Quote ---What do you think? Happy with bp changes...?
--- End quote ---
Sure! Bp is a good weapon with commando perk even for now. I can imagine how it be in v3, muha :D
Yeah, bp is good, but winchester is too good, very true when sharshooter.
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