Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Actually the Demolition could also work in KFmod...

- More Grenades
- More explosive damage
- Less explosive damage input
- Law/RPG7 etc. are less expensive


- Cheaper Flamethrower
- More fire damage
- Can't be damaged by fire
- Grenades have fire explosions
- Glock, Bullpup, MAC-10, MP5 and Handcannon get incendiary ammo

And some (stupid) ideas by me:

- Faster movement with every weapon
- Higher jumps
- Weapons fire faster
- Less damage output

- Poison damage with Glock, MP5, Bullpup, MAC-10 and Winchester
- Immune to bloat bile
- Can poison specimen with the syringe
- Can poison the syringes of the patriarch with his med-syringe. So if the patty tries to heal -> BOOM!
- Grenades release poison gas

Neat ideas^^
I like them.

I agree to firebug. This perk would be useful, but... i remember how it works in steam kf. Firebug is like an ultimate-all-zed-killing-mashine. Sure, killing fp's it's difficult for firebug, but anyway he can kill it in solo by 1 canister.
Leveling perks - nah, i think this don't needed for kfmod. It's ok for steam kf, but here it would ruin gameplay.

More progress - 4 days into it and I'm fixing stuff np - I'm almost nervous to continue.

Firebug, yep sounds reasonable.  How about main benefit more flame ammo... and only a few more hit points?

FPRange beat the crap of out of me, lol, but that was a success!  Now I only have to make him shoot.  Also make bloat poison hurt players as it should.
Bloat puke poison and fpRange bullets use the same 'hurt the player' code, (also siren same hurt code) just they use different parameters: so puke is short range wide area, FP bullets obviously distance with narrower area, Siren different again.
Siren works, so I'm taking it from there.
A little luck, an ace programmer I know (educated at Oxford ^^ he's a Dutch guy) visited us and he gave me pointers on coding.  He answered many questions I had, so that will take weeks off my coding problems.

Changed the hud colours back to reds and even put in some orange colours ^^
But Vanico's hud would look cool... if he gave me a very, very big bribe. PM me dude and we'll talk terms :D

little late, but I will still give my opinion on perks...(coloured numbers are supposed to make it better readable... it was a mess at first)

I think a perk tree would be good, containing 4 layers

1 layer one being a noob starter perk, just a perk that give new players some advantages that will make it easier for them to hop in(you know, slight damage bonus on everything, as you only use 1/2 weapons at a time, this is perfect and doesn't unbalance)

2 layer two would be what we have now but a little different... four branches(branches, looks it's a tree!)

-one covering the weaker weapons that you won't be able to use effectively in later waves(melee weapons, handcannon, pistols and that)

-another covering everything that does lots of damage (shotguns, snipers and rocket launchers)

-and yet another covering anything that would now be placed in the "speed" part of the shop

-last being a supportive perk, covering healing welding and something else that looks rather like weapon carrier but is quite different...(this would involve dropable ammo packages, so spawning a limited amount of pickups yourself that you can carry, like extra ammo that costs u weight)

3 layer three being more extensive focusing on one weapon type at a time(pistols, machineguns, rockets etc. all apart, being planted under the specific branch of the last layer(you know, need the one to unlock the next))

4 layer four would be hard-to-get things that are mainly combinations of perks above with compensated bonuses(again u would need the respective perks to unlock these)

i would love to make this bigger/specify some things... but only if u guys think it would be good(i have a rather limited amount of time on my hands...)


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