Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Leveling again... it reminds another MMO >:( What i really like in kfmod is a difficulty. Here is no any leveling and in my opinion it's a great idea. You just get perk and playing. All your wins\fails depend only on your own abilities and experience. Do we need that leveling shit like in steam kf? And what next? 5-6-7-etc levels? A noob-oriented gameplay, that's it. Pff... LineFloor2, dammit -_-

i was thinking more like TF2 where higher perks(rare weapons) don't make you stronger/weaker, but different(bonuses stay about the same but you get more options)

It would extent the gameplay - and motivate the players for a longer time, but I think it would be too hard to code atm.
Maybe we'll see it in KFmod V4 (if Snipe has learned everything about UT code then ;)  )

Leveling sucks.

One of the reasons why I like UT2004 is that there's no levelling. Unlike most of the modern FPS games...

complex perks, yeah leave it to MMO programmers.  Necro's right, later...

Firebug perk has 10 mollys and everyone else 5, that ok?

Should I mention all the bugs  shown in that clip XD  Ya, besides my crap sound - and like weird voice in background... idk, I'll fix it one day.

Anyway that's the molotov with breaking glass and lots of fire muha.


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