Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Woah, i likes molotov! ;D
Yep, i think 10 is ok. Hot drinks, muha.
Would be perfect.... but there's one more suggestion:
How about adding them to the ammo section (under the grenades)?
Fire is nice :)
Molly in nade Hud area, yes, I hope! And you notice, no perks listed. Can't choose them using default keys either. No name at login screen. Also no default KF weapons show up in trader menu. I understand now why Alex Quick KF used to drink - or that was the rumour. Why Hamada and Strel0k ran away.
And I saw on UDN: "don't give a mod deadline because if you fail people will hate you." I'd hate myself, but I like deadlines, pressure, panic, chaos, and zombies :D Either mf way V3 coming out end of October!!
so........... I'm psyched again for UT code ???
Well. I love the firebug idea, always love burning things.
what about you make, weak, but usefull guns.
And, I want a better bow, not a crosbow. I think we can win from it. more melee weapon too. Sword ? Spear ?
Got to the hard part, coding. Hamada did some good work, so fixing the problems he didnt get to is probably the easy part... for him =D Meantime for me @#$^&%^&*%* says it all... hey, looks like my code. I might try it... yes I'm going slowly mad looking at mf code.
Main problem is no perks show up in storymode. In Survival they show up but are not clickable.
but fixed the molotov flame so it's small and also the rag looks like it's really burning.
'Weak but useful guns' The MP3008 is pretty weak. I made a sword, it works fine. Other stuff like the hammer and pepper spray, so far, I don't have time for.
We must have perks, so somehow I have to learn how that works...
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