Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
--- Quote from: Snipe34 on April 29, 2011, 02:27 ---
I was thinking of mounting a gun on the Pinzgauer, and yep thinking about an armour troop-carrier ^^ So Pinz1 open truck, Pinz2 with gun, and 3, armoured troop carrier. Make a vehicle with a mounted gun is something I have to learn...
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There was an Hellbender in old ut2004...It looks like a jeep with gun.
Maybe you just modify it's skin and model?
Hellbender is ok. Modifying texture would be about equal work to making a new one because most of the work is in the texture. So I'd prefer to make our own vehicle. But the code would probably be the Hellbender modified.
can u add a tank? it would have to be 20k or 40k.maybe a leopard 2?
--- Quote from: razor on May 03, 2011, 13:36 ---can u add a tank? it would have to be 20k or 40k.maybe a leopard 2?
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lol I was also thinking about that, so now you mention it I think a little more. A tank, sure a Leopard2 would widen the Mod's scope - if it only pushes the zombies out of the way... maybe a little damage to them, would be a challenge. And it would be only placeable for storymode.
Storymode and Survival I guess you realize will be two completely different modes. Survival will stay pretty much as it is except for a couple of new weaps and various other improvements by Hamada.
As above in another post - I made the invisible texture for Mrs Clamely. She'll be in survival mode. I'm not sure which wave. She'll also be available for storymode mappers to place as well.
Our new Trader. And parts of other Traders will appear in V3... (bodily parts) I don't think our new Trader likes competition. ???
rough footage because in-game the pictures will be narrower maybe better finished.
Escapee Trader before she found KF:
Trader as she is today - she lost her right eye somehow, probably knitting or something with needles maybe. Anyway she looks a little happier with her present work. It's nice to be wanted :-X
also very widely know for her prison tattooing skills?
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