Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Poom, this the reason you wanted V3 released immediately!!? Don't worry, Poom, The End of the World will be delayed but not V3 :D
Alucard's Golden Gun:
hope it's not toooo golden....?
--- Quote ---Alucard's Golden Gun:
hope it's not toooo golden....?
--- End quote ---
Looks better than in COD4 ^^
Looks pretty cool. But... never understood gold weapons in cod4\6. Why?..
*looking at hc price*
Bloody hell, 600 for hc ??? Shii... well, only axe at 1st wave then. And taurus 400 only. I thought taurus be more expensive, because it have an aiming option. 600 pounds for gold pistol without aiming - too much price, isn't it? :o
Better than COD - thx!! --and to the guy who made the Deagle I should add!
But too expensive? It's gold!! :D
ok, np, idk, what price would be good?
Free for me :D since i want it moar :)
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