Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Hc at the moment is a cheap and powerful weapon wich you can buy even for 1st wave. Hm, yeah, i understand - gold weapon definetly expensive than regular :D For me most important thing in weapons is not appearance but useability. And when i look at pistols with similar stats where only difference is a gold or whatever - then pistol that more expensive is useless. Why paid more if there's no difference?
--- Quote ---ok, np, idk, what price would be good?
--- End quote ---
Well, price is good enough, but i think gold hc should give more benefits than regular. More ammo, for example. Should be reason wich make you buy this gun not just for gold style.
seem like you'll have more ammo.
IN Hc, you can 64 ammo, this one seem to hold at least 81 ammo, this is much bigger, but you need to pay more. I wonder how much everything will cost.
I just want a fire bug perk now.
I gave the gold hk 1 more bullet per magazine full, so 9 not 8 :)
Firebug will be easy to code once Raj can get the perks working.
progress fixes fixing fixes...
Raj understood Perks not showing in storymode problem right away, phew. That will leave me much more time for many small irritating bugs.
Tank on rough terrain - sound is screwy except when I get into the turret. Thx to Razor (happyCow) for encouraging me to make the tank. The tank has a driver and another player operates the turret.
The map is a storymode layout (although I don't think I'll place the tank in that map - probably some map with flatter areas) and other mappers will have some good ideas.
Pinzgauer, and also mounted with 2 browning1919s. The M202A1 against FPs.
The first Pinz has driver + passenger. The 2nd with 2 mgs has driver/passenger and obviously 2 gun placements. But other players can sit on the roof, and in the back of both Pinz.'
bullpup with auto and semi fire:
AI Auto Defence Gun:
The gun video is in an area of another Storymode map, also wip.
and from my testing map: pics of static mesh version of AI Defence Gun so you'll know what killed you =P
Double click for full size: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
Double click for full size: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" />
My ideas for perks.
+100% Recharge rate with med-syringe.
+60% Potency of medical injections.
+6% Faster movement speed.
-60% Damage from bloats' bile.
+20% range with med-syringe.
-25% damage from environnemental hazards
-25% damage deal to the ennemies (maybe)
I am not a fan of medic, they are not much used, and those who use it, usually do not have good weps, or hunty. but this are my suggestion for the medic perk, I believe 7 point can be read fully.
+8 Max carry weight, (not ten, Law and hunty... come on )
+30% Faster welding/unwelding with the welder tool.
+ 7 grenade capacity
+40% Max ammo capacity with powers weapons (if only it was real)
No molotov cocktails
+20% damage with powers weapons
Right, now, our support is very powerfull, with the two most powerfull at the same time, I suggest going agaisn't, but giving him more ammo and damage bonus. now he will 18 law instead of 24, but more powerfull one, or could have a hunty with more ammos.
+ 100% ammo with crossbow. (or even 200%) (maybe some to winchester
- 80% recoil speed with longe range weapon.
+60% headshot damage with crossbow, +30 with winchester
+ 40 % damage with crossbow, +25% with winchester
+ 5% damage from ennemies or 10%
To me, this is what we should do, just suggesting, because I find that the crossbow is very weak, in comparaison to winchester, I think it should more usefull then the winchester, it will prevent usefull hunty and snipe combinaison, which is cheap enough, much used. a little disavataged is needed I think, since now, it is very usefull, that and support are the only perks use with ease all game long.
Commando: He should have more weapon, for now, only commando is bull up.)
+30% Damage with commando weapons.
+20% max ammo capacity with his weapons
- 30% Recoil and spread with his weapons.
+20% Faster reloading with all weapons.
Enemy health conditions appear on the HUD.
Automatically see stalkers and hard to see zombies, around him, while others do not,
to be honest, I just think he should be stronger, a little more, but still not enough to take out big specimens, his role would be to kill stalkers, crawlers and weak things.
+30% damage with all melee weapons.
+15% refire speed with all melee weapons.
+15% movement speed adjustment when using a melee weapon.
+15% Damage resistance to all sorts of damage.
- 20% Damage with all firearms.
I just do not know what to do with that one, maybe nothing except, using him to fight as the first rampart, so he should tought, but still not
+40% damage with fire weapon, such as flamethrower and molotov cocktaisl
Double molotov cocktaisl capacity
Double grenades capacity
bigger fire explosiion when you burn your grenade
+50% to max ammo capacity fire fire weapons
+20% damage resistance to fire, for now you own weapon, but maybe some zombie could have molotov cocktails...
This is my tip for a firebug, I do not believe in anything else, think this could make them pretty usefull,
And some more idea
Moneybag (special class, based around handcannon, hunty, winchester and bullup)
Can reload your weapon with money, you put 1$ in bull up, 5 in winchester, 10$ in hand cannon and 30$ in hunty, per shots
(lose all your money when choosing it or quiting it, cannot pick money or deal with trader. )
+25% damage done with money shots.
50$ ammo on bull up, so 50 shots, 60$ on winchester,so 12 shots, 100$ ammo on hand cannonm so 10 shots, and 30$ in hunty, so, one shot.
-10% damage with normal ammo.
+ 5 damage to fleshpound
No i am serious, ho well. it may seem like a joke, but I do believe someone coudl use money as weapon
Triple grenade capacity
Cannot carry 5 weight block or more fire arms,
+ 50% damage with knife
+ 50% damage with chainsaw
+10% speed with knife or chainsaw
explode and kill everything, including teammates when he dies, big explosion. (shooting him kill him
why not? someone sacrifice himself for the team, stopping the ennemy to progress for a few second, spreading fire then leaving nothing but ashes, could be usefull when a big mod of zombies comes. crazy sacrifice could be fun. This is an idea for me, a suggestion.
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