Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
I have read that you wrote about perks. In my opinion, some ideas are good, but most is useless and would ruin game balance.
--- Quote ---Medic:
-25% damage from environnemental hazards
-25% damage deal to the ennemies (maybe)
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No reason to do that. For now medic is most harmless class, because there's no special weapon for this perk. And you suggest make it MORE harmless than now. Useless. First play as medic and look how game changed, then talk about balancing >:(
Also, i wish to remind Snipe about pistols - would be nice if make 9mm and\or HC to medic weapons with some damage and reloading bonus.
--- Quote ---Support:
+8 Max carry weight, (not ten, Law and hunty... come on )
--- End quote ---
That's right, support should have ability take both power weapons. This perk have most slow running speed and this is enough penalty for his strenght.
About sharpshooter... well, i agree, but not with all. This perk is powerful, but there is no reason make it weaker than normal player (i mean +5% damage from zeds).
On don,t really agree on being able to take both weapons, but again. to me, it would more fun to see more diverse use of the support perk, but yeah, some extra damage with pistol, the weaker weapon could be god for the medic,
I already played as medic, and I used one weapon with it, hunty. and the damage penalty is just an idea. but well.
What you say about the kamikaze and moneybag suggestion, firebug? those are not in the game, as far as I am concerned, sure if people want ti to look like retail, patty will need some cover when he retreat to heal, but else where.
--- Quote ---What you say about the kamikaze and moneybag suggestion, firebug?
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Dunno. Actually, i'm not interested in that kind perks so i can say nothing about it.
Money as a weapon?
Someone played Metro 2033... :D
Interesting idea, but since it isn't very realistic...
But the idea is nice, I have to admit.
I think moneybag and kamikaze don't fit into the game (and I wouldn't like to use these perks).
...and btw: Snipe, this are great proceedings (the vehicle physics and also the browning MG seems to be fixed), but one question: you set the bullpup to semi automatic - is there still the gun sight available or is there still the issue with the 3 firemodes? ...and what about the rocket launcher - could it also shoot 4 rockets at the same time?
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