Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Nice list, thx Audrey... but I'm not a coder. I copy, paste and experiment. Remember we're talking about D.R.F. British army types - last thing they'd be doing is shooting money or Kamikaze. Besides, Raj has more experience and coding knowledge so that would be a question for him. Presently he's just trying to get perks to appear in sm...
Medic specialist, Hicks - increasing pistol hit and reload etc, sure, I can do that.
Yep, vehicle physics looking good. And thanks to Hamada's previous coding, no vehicle spam log errors!
You notice the spider ragdoll? - nearly... nearly... works =d
bp still has sights with aim as before. I changed the red dot so it's more like a real red dot with a slight glow. Also I changed bp magazine down to 20 from 40. In rl, the size of the bp magazine would hold 20 shots max. In game, bp is now powerful and accurate, so 20 round mag compensates.
But for Commando, I think mag should hold about 30 or 40 shots...?? Also MP5, 30 shots standard, but for Commando, probably 40 shots? For Medic too some more shots in those guns? Or maybe just the Taurus... but can't really add more shots to a six shooter, it wouldn't be right. A magazine is different.
3 firemodes, by luck I got that working. And yep, trying to figure out for MP5 how to make semi-auto mode a lightswitch. So there can be RaiseAim with light. Theoretically easy. Only need to swap semi-auto code for light-on code. But dammit, I can't trace where it calls the semi-auto fire mode code. So atm, MP5 does semi/auto too - argh - na, not a bad thing, but I want the light + RaiseAim.
Browning1919 .30 calibre pickup.
Take it where you want but after placing, it cannot be picked up again. Currently it causes log spam (I mean, megs worth of repeated shit in a few minutes) I thought I fixed the spam problem, but no...
Also the browning pickup anims of bullet strap and hammer don't move. They do on the pinz brownings, but that's different code. The browning pickup is Assault Turret code, the browning pinz' are ONS code. How to combine the best of the 2, argh...
Although, those are fairly small problems, like the molotov fire leaves a light on the floor problem. Without that, it has no flame in 1st person view. Also I wanted bullet consumption for the pinz brownings and the pickup browning, not unlimited ammo.
Yep, little problems, mainly, stuff is working so V3 is moving closer. Can't wait to play it with you guys!
Doing good keep it up :)
Great news ;)
and forgot question of Necro - M202A1 only fires semi-auto; click, fire, click fire etc.
A claymore may be a good idea... I didn't take the time to read any of this forum, so I don't know if it's been suggested or already accepted/declined, but I feel a proximity mine/claymore may be a helpful addition regardless :)
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