Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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I saw a landmine model - it's already exist in kfmod. But my opinion about them is strongly negative, because these mines makes game more easy like in steam kf. Ok, there is landmines (pipebombs). So, defeating patty or even regular zeds is just like "boom! a bloody mess and no more zeds!" Patty pathetically dies in few seconds after he spawned and walked on these pipebombs. Just a crap nooby gameplay...

But how about every player could carry only one mine maximum?
And what if they just make as much damage as a grenade or rocket?

Well... only if use it that way :D

16 players = 16 mines and 1 patty...


Maybe the Patty should get mine resistance then?

That would be an option, but keep in mind that the more players are on the server the more health has Patty.


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