Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
actually, this seem to be fasle, zombies do not get stronger for each new player on the server, they only come in greater number, else with 16 p^layer, it would be unplayable.ON some map patty can kill 10 player before going down.
Patty's health depends on players count. Dunno about regular zeds but trust me: patty's health is much bigger with 16 players than with only 2.
As Hick's says, patty's health goes up and down - regular zs no. But, retail adjust regular zs health to player numbers. I read about a server with 50 players and it was nearly impossible to kill a scrake with many hs, lool.
Sll000w progress but I made the perks bar appear in Storymode, same as Survival. But in both, perks icons are not showing up, only black squares. Also doing other fixes and working on Mrs C.
Edit: progress: fixed perks... except can't see perk images, not that important I guess. I'll move on to making firebug perk and maybe i will stumble across reason for no perk pic images.
And next, Storymode weapons in sm trader... atm, all weapons in both Survival and sm, or only survival weapons. So I need to work how to get sm weapons in only sm somehow.
Land mines, well, takes about 5, 6... to kill one FP. Damned zombies dont always step on them. I had one FP chase me around a map, and he avoided every mine I placed except 1 XD V3 will have no pipebombs...
Is good to read that ;D
About sm trader - i think it's not so important. At least, mappers can place all needful weapons and equipment right in map.
--- Quote from: Hicks on October 01, 2011, 10:38 ---Is good to read that ;D
About sm trader - i think it's not so important. At least, mappers can place all needful weapons and equipment right in map.
--- End quote ---
Makes me feel better thx! Anyway I'll keep trying until end of October release. Fixing perks, I thought would take a while, so now more time to fix other stuff, yay
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