Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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I asked this 100 times but I kinda still don't know the answer...

Did you add the soldier, wretch and shade now?
If yes, are they for survival or mission only?

Most important now is perks and other stuff. Wretch, soldier, etc. zeds can wait. Btw, they're still in steam kf classes, but there's no any other zeds, except regular and Brute, wich was coded by someone from community. We have range fp's now, isn't it enough? ;D Oh, don't tell, let me guess... ofcourse not! :D

Don,t forget the matriach, we saw of pic of her.

retail said the matriach is dead..... but no.

For me the matriach and firebug perk, (flamethrower and molotov cooktails) will more then enough.

It is some super good progress we see.

very good work here. TY I can't wait.

thx hicks you can be my boss anytime :)

problem with soldier he doesn't have a shooting animation.  He shoots with his shotty pointing to the ground, looks total crap.  Zombies don't multiple anims but they share most of them, so if I add shoot to one anim that may cause problems.
More time i could make another soldier...

Shrade and wretch... sry, can't find them, tell me where they are - give me screenshots or something.

Mrs C... started re-animating her because i just could not get the running animation correct. Had to look up how people run ><  Then there's her coding - as I keep saying my coding is guesswork and luck.  Never know, luck sides with fools, so there's a chance she'll be ready :D

Same with firebug perk, looked easy, but one file is connected to another to another and I can't get the last one right.  Then I'm wondering about how the perk will appear on the GUI perks menu list.  But if I work a few intense days I should find a solution, because yeh, must have a firebug.

I have to be away this Friday, Saturday, dammit.

Anyways, challenger2 now has exhaust smoke and also lights.  Hoping Raj is fixing molotov - leaves a light on the ground, and also the Browning log spam problem.  I mean both work, but just bugs.

woohoo!    Changed the coding and it mffffffff worked  :D :D :D :D :D progress progress!

and perks now show up =DDDDDD

deep in the code to make it work had to add to flame thrower and molly damage:  bFlameWeapon=true so burning stuff will go towards the perk.   took me a few practice tries, but today cool-headed, relaxed I worked thru the mf code.   I made another icon but noticed a 3d icon already there, so I used that.  it looked better than mine.

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