Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
IMO the spiders scream too long and loud.
spider scream, k, thx for that. Would you believe he has a choice of 5 different dying screams? - damned awkward spiders XD
I would truly like to work on Mrs Clamely, but we need an "End Game:" you survived, or wiped out. Also new weapons in the Trader. I have to fix the MP5 raise, aim as well.
Besides that, maps. I thought the objectives, triggers and that were ok to place, but nothing is ever mf well simple. Offline they look ok, but not online suddenly UT shit appears on them.
Anyways I'm doing my best!
Have success.
OMG seems like it will be very tight to release the game till the end of October...
I didn't quite get it:
What's special about the spider? What does it do?
:( To Vanico,
--- Quote ---What's special about the spider? What does it do?
--- End quote ---
You just don't understand. Snipe34 has a thing for spiders. They are special to him. They are his special toys. He likes spawn them and squash them. So he likes you to FEEL his passion!
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