Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Can you maybe add a gps or something showing where the trader is?
:-[ To im your momma,
--- Quote ---Can you maybe add a gps or something showing where the trader is?
--- End quote ---
Or Snipe24/Hamada can use a BIG arrow on top of the trader for all to see!
i don't think we should add that, for it will only make it more ugly and take up time while in most maps u will find the trader pretty easy and you only have to find her once and you will remember and there is always someone that knows.
I agree with Slim. And yep, a nasty tat on her face. Anyone notice Trader Wanted Posters...? So obviously our new Trader doesn't want Big Arrows advertising her location. Sure she'll miss out on some business and noobs will get lost (as I often do :/) but thems the breaks in war.
Hello again.
I played KF 2.1 yesterday and found some things which were not added to current KF version :-[
Here are my new suggestions to next version.
1st Ninja soldier skin from kf 2.1 (link)
I like this one and would like to see it in kf 2.3
2nd Old Bullup model from KF2.1 (link)
It looks really awesome and much more realistic than current bullup model
3rd Zeds' tracking heads from KF2.1 (link)
I was like "WTH?! They are watching me! ???" when I saw it for the first time xD
It also adds some horror effects (imo) :P
And the 4th suggestion is old horde howl.
I remember that howl in KF 1.0 when wave spawns. It could scary shit out of me sometimes :D (especially when I forgot to buy ammo)
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