Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Great Work, Snipe.
The MP5 is awesome, but I have never seen the reddot and a frontsight on the same hight (in COD4 the front sight was missing then). However, it seems to be almost perfect^^

Seem just great, I,ve just seen the videos..

New wini and bull up, new weapons and that last, it was a rocket ? seem like an explosive ....

I love the spider, nbew zombie, it will scare me, as I have some arachnophobia, but I'll get past it and with weapon, I'll slaughter them all. i'm not scared with a mp5a....

The dot movement, well, it is nothing, we'll all love v3

...made a reply, but can't see it.

Thx for support - i was feeling a little down and I've been cheered!

SuperApe is very much alive =D  Can't use his code, but it's only to inspire give ideas.  So I'll use it on that basis.

Haven't any maps finished and ready for V3, work work =D

Seems all weapon will be available in Trader, both Survival and SM since I'm not really a coder and there's no one to help.  I'll leave only the Molotov and Mine for mappers to place as pickups.   SM: M202A1, MSG-90, Ultimax.  But SM weapons are expensive, like over 2000 so maybe that won't spoil Survival too much.


--- Quote ---But SM weapons are expensive, like over 2000 so maybe that won't spoil Survival too much.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, that's right. I really liked Ultimax, powerfull weapon, dammit! ;D


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