Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
That is not a problem, you can create challenge for some guys...
But it will be even funnier in maps with big cash rooms like aedispigmentum where everyone got plenty of money...
Imagine 10 Ultimax at once. Ultimate destruction!
If you have patience, you can buy them in any maps, it is just that most are not that patient, it is not biggy, especially if people don,t grind on money.
Well, if you don't buy Law and Hunty and if you don't waste your money you'll sure be able to buy an Ultimax for wave 8 or 9.
Does the Ultimax come with full ammo when you buy it? If no: What will full ammo cost?
Ultimax comes with 200 shots. Can fill to 400... About 13 per 100 very cheap =D
New weapons for Survival: RPG-7 a little cheaper than the LAW, same amount of ammo. Blunderbuss, cheaper than the HS. MP5 30shot magazine about the same price as the bullpup now. BP 20 shot magazine, but BP more expensive than the HS. MP3008, quite cheap with 40 shot magazine. Dual M10s buy with 500 shots, and same single. (just as well i checked them, the right hand gun has no muzzle flash argh)
End of October we'll all be beta testers :D
For Storymode, I finally tried 2 player on our LAN and surprise, the player respawn is NOT mf well fixed. The only 1 thing I wanted fixed!! The other shit of objectives wasn't a first priority. But objectives shit doesn't work properly anyway - offline it's wonderful, but online XD Also when all players die, no end game is shown, just red screen filter.
But I'm damn well going to fix it so when player dies - has time limit or something, then player respawns. I think probably player will have 4, 5...lives or something to get thru a story map.
busy, busy!
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