Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
--- Quote from: [MiA]Audrey-Rafael on October 25, 2011, 22:46 ---lol
There is one maps, my version of the box, that will need to be updated in order to work correcly.
But other then that, it is great news, there is so much maps in nKilling floor anyway, hoverer, we play in a few of them.
I have question about the spider, how dangerous it is ?
a) Super mega-dangerous, 1shot kill
b) very dangerous, bring big guns.
c) a stupid ennemy, but be carefull and you'll get rid of it
d) As peacefull as a dead bird.
e) you'll crush a million of them with knife.
--- End quote ---
Similar danger to the Gorefast. So he dodges. Speeds up when he gets near to you.
:( To Snipe34,
Guess what? I have been playing KF3 beta and I noticed something (and this one is so simple), I can't hop! I tried changing my jumpz height setting to 950 and it still won't work. What can I do to fix it?
Sure. You have my .ini files and I use RightShift to jump.
You need to re-bind your keys.
:) To Snipe34,
Man, you're such a friend! I am impressed by your faithfulness (specially to your friends). I just want to thank you for your help (reply).
--- Quote ---I use RightShift to jump
--- End quote ---
No mashugina! No wonder I couldn't jump whenever I hit spacebar! DOH! I didn't even think of checking out the INPUT CONFIG.
o.o the kf3 is out o.o ?
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