Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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--- Quote from: [MiA]Alucard on November 08, 2011, 14:31 ---o.o the kf3 is out o.o ?

--- End quote ---

I sent you PM Alucard

np Poom!  Pleased you're having some fun!

I had the same problem too... Snipe, what keyboard do you use? You have a really awkward layout IMO


--- Quote from: קהחסל on November 08, 2011, 18:38 ---I had the same problem too... Snipe, what keyboard do you use? You have a really awkward layout IMO

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Sorry fellas I'm a lefty


--- Quote from: Snipe34 ---Sorry fellas Im a lefty

--- End quote ---

That explains it. Well, since I'm ambidextrous, I'll try it out ;)

Thanks to our coder 100GPing100 I'm fixing maps.  Also some tutorials and examples for mappers for Storymode.

Spawning zombies using AIScriptedTriggers can be troublesome and complex.  Problems similar to Hive where zombies fill up the map and lag bog the server.

There are ways to make it easier.  It requires certain AIScriptedTrigger sequences.  I'll post tuts and example maps with the AIScriptedTriggers sequences, so mapper can learn.  Or if they prefer, simply copy/paste from the example maps (I will make them later), rename the Tags and Events.

I also learned about BlockedPath navigation point.  Same icon as the JumpSpot.  In ActorBrowser, look under NavigationPoint > BlockedPath. 

(Audrey you could use BlockedPath in that Box remake you were working on, so when the money door opens it will trigger so that zombies can go thru - but before the door opens they won't try to get thru).
The BlockedPath is used to path thru UT Movers and also into money rooms.  Or maybe trick the players into feeling safe, then trigger a new path(s) and zombies come from a different direction ^^

Download the example map (copy it to V3 beta - don't load it from old KFMod20 directory or UT gets confused).

[I suggest, switch on Paths View - top of 3d window, right click > View > ShowPaths]

BlockedPath tells zombies the path is broken/blocked.  Then, a switch tell them the path is not blocked, so they begin to go thru the place that was blocked - as in the example map.

Place a Blocked Path at either side of the door or obstruction.
Note the Object Name of the BlockedPath, EG: Object > Name: BlockedPath0  The second Blocked path will probably be BlockedPath >  Object >  Name: BlockedPath1
Open one BlockedPath > NavigationPoint > ForcedPaths and type in [ 0] the name of the other BlockedPath EG: blockedpath1.  (if you typed it ok, it should auto-captialize some letters of the name.)
Then repeat that for the second BlockedPath, EG probably blockedpath0

Rebuild paths.

You should see yellow lines connecting the two BlockedPaths right through the Door or obstruction.

IMPORTANT:  No other paths should go through the door or obstruction, which would make the BrokenPath useless.  If any other paths go through you need to enter the pathnodes ProscribedPaths Object names (proscribed = forbidden paths).  Or simply move other pathnodes so no lines go through the blocked path, path -- except the two yellows.

But red or proscribed lines are ok to go through the door or obstruction.  Zombies will not follow red path lines.

Finally, Tag both BlockedPaths the same Tag as the door or obstruction.   When that door or obstruction opens the bBlocked=True in both BlockedPaths will change to False.   Zombies will now take that route.
[Raj, would you mind copying this BlockedPath tut to maps &mapping and deleting what is not relevant to the tut, please?  Or I can copy/paste the tut if you prefer.]

The new ammo resupply static mesh for mappers to place in V3 Storymode, coded by 100GPing100:

full SIZE: <img src="" alt="" title="Hosted by" /></a>


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