Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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--- Quote from: dakoslug on November 11, 2011, 22:13 ---Can I be a beta tester :D

--- End quote ---

sure Dakoslug - sent you PM

music status:
Finally the musician has replied. He says atm he's working at another project which will take a few months, but he wants to support us and he knows this mod (at least the older versions).

I guess mapping+coding/bug fixing will take a similar time so we should be patient.
... believe me: he's a great artist and he makes high quality music.

Wow, great news!

Music!!  Cool work N3cro!

V3... thank you for your patience.  You've tried the guns and vehicles, seen the overall concept.  I kinda got it working.  But 100GPing100 is a coder who's doing his best to get V3 working for smooth, fun, online play.

Me on maps, busy in Deep labs.
Also fixing Karma (moveable objects) I had luck using LawDogsKActor code from Wiki.  Not totally smooth but a huge improvement on old Karma moveable objects that were mainly a nuisance.
KF monsters were coded to throw Karma moveable objects - Players to use Karma moveable objects to block zombies.  At last mappers can place the damned stuff ^^ 

The ongoing story of our sinister new Trader.  Had to preserve the heads or they'd go rotten.  Placed on shelves at her shop:

Omg, poor traders xD


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