Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Damn, it's really bad :(
--- Quote from: Hicks on January 15, 2012, 19:45 ---Damn, it's really bad :(
--- End quote ---
:D LOL - have some faith. We'll get it fixed
I'll soon have a break from my job to help test once more. \o/
Some betters news: 100GPing100 offered to help me with small questions about coding storymode. Raj and I will try and figure out the coding and any really difficult questions ask 100GPing100
Work continues - also on some epic storymode maps
Just a thought by the way:
The old KF Map Editor.bat is one big fail which we should fix in the next release.
It's content is
--- Code: ---..\system\UnrealEd.exe -mod="KFMod20"
--- End code ---
A cmd window will pop up an only close after killing the editor. That's annoying.
Instead we should write in this file
--- Code: ---start ..\system\UnrealEd.exe -mod="KFMod20"
--- End code ---
This starts the editor independently of the cmd window. Then the script runs to the end and closes its console window automatically.
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