Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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100GPing said he wrote an .exe for the editor.  Also the ammo pack thing...  He sent me the code he'd done, about 8kb of code [no ammo pack or .exe included].  Only changes I noticed was the game crashes after all players die.

Also 100GPing couldn't get the Storymode menu in-game, but that was because he renamed KFSMGameType.uc to Storymod.uc, so I renamed it back and it complied ok - the results as per above: none except crashes after all players die.

I will have to learn how to code V3 myself.  Can't see another way.  Certainly there are competent coders but they're doing other shit elsewhere.  And UT2004 is old.

But I am determined I will finish it somehow ^^  Perhaps with your help?  There are many small parts that need fixing, like the molotov for example that leaves a little glow on the ground when selected.  The 3p guns as noticed by VirusPunk - reload and fire look a bit weird.  [Winch and Taurus EmptyFire and Empty - I think I'll just drop the empty anims so there's no Empty action, just click, click, so that problem is easily solved.  Just looked better, the empty Taurus chamber turning, but meh].  Also I think the pistol, and the M10 3p aren't quite correct.
The tank doesn't drive that well, also needs that MG turret - but the MG turret I think would be very complex to add.

If you want to try to fix them, there's a project for you.

But the main problem is player respawn.
Also EndGameTrigger, that should work the same as Survival -your squad survived-  or your squad died.

During the game when there are no zombies, players should be able to change perks.  To buy from the trader.

And something I'm not sure about is 'the cost of dying.'  Well, losing all weapons and some £ is a cost.  But also perhaps give players only 5 lives?

Ok those are the ideal.

The whole problem of Survival to Storymode goes back to the bones of the KF game:  KFgameType.uc code is extended from UT Invasion.  If you don't know how Invasion works, fire up UT2004 and take a look.  It's wave based: kill monsters - short break - next wave of monsters.  So KF > Invasion: change the UT monsters for KF, throw in a trader, gloom it all down and you have KF.

Storymode should be extended from Assault or ONS which would offer more storymode options.  That would involve making one team the zombies.  I was messing around with that code before 100gPing came along.  3months later, not entirely wasted I focused on Storymode maps, with which I am pleased  + stacks of custom meshes and textures - Borthwick village is a beginning example.

That's where v3 is at.


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on January 18, 2012, 20:17 ---Also 100GPing couldn't get the Storymode menu in-game, but that was because he renamed KFSMGameType.uc to Storymod.uc, so I renamed it back and it complied ok - the results as per above: none except crashes after all players die.

I will have to learn how to code V3 myself.  Can't see another way.  Certainly there are competent coders but they're doing other shit elsewhere.  And UT2004 is old.

--- End quote ---

What a pity...

Is it possible to port the mod easily to UT3 ? If anyone get's that working I will buy the game immediately :P


--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on January 18, 2012, 20:58 ---
--- Quote from: Snipe34 on January 18, 2012, 20:17 ---Also 100GPing couldn't get the Storymode menu in-game, but that was because he renamed KFSMGameType.uc to Storymod.uc, so I renamed it back and it complied ok - the results as per above: none except crashes after all players die.

I will have to learn how to code V3 myself.  Can't see another way.  Certainly there are competent coders but they're doing other shit elsewhere.  And UT2004 is old.

--- End quote ---

What a pity...

Is it possible to port the mod easily to UT3 ? If anyone get's that working I will buy the game immediately :P

--- End quote ---

Yep, was at the corner of my mind.   Probably then more help too.  But a ton more work, learning adding...
So what about moving it to UT3?  Any other thoughts?

 ??? To Snipe34,

One question - how do you extract those *.upk files from Unreal Tournament 3? I tried using ut3 batchexport but it doesn't work. BTW, UDK 2012 is out! They use *.udk files. Download link is -


--- Quote from: poompoom500 on January 19, 2012, 10:53 --- ??? To Snipe34,

One question - how do you extract those *.upk files from Unreal Tournament 3? I tried using ut3 batchexport but it doesn't work. BTW, UDK 2012 is out! They use *.udk files. Download link is -

--- End quote ---

Sry I don't know what upk are yet.   But I looked at UDK and yep, also downloaded latest UDK beta.

I suppose making KF storymode in UT3 will be easier/diffcult - dice roll, but the result will be prettier.

Have a new harddrive, so in the middle of muddles at the moment @.@


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