Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Hello everyone, someone remember of me? Anyway, what's up about the new KF version?
Cu Soon!
I can't even recompile KFMod.u, I need valid source codes.
Some example errors:
--- Code: ---Warning: Failed to load 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\staticMeshes\KFNewMeshes1.usx': Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\staticMeshes\KFNewMeshes1.usx'
Warning: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\staticMeshes\KFNewMeshes1.usx'
Log: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\staticMeshes\KFNewMeshes1.usx'
Warning: Failed to load 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps3P.ukx': Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps3P.ukx'
Warning: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps3P.ukx'
Log: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps3P.ukx'
Warning: Failed to load 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps.ukx': Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps.ukx'
Warning: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps.ukx'
Log: Failed loading package: Can't find file 'c:\ut2004\kfmod20\Animations\KFNewWeps.ukx'
--- End code ---
This means,
--- Code: ---#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=c:\UT2004\KFmod20\Animations\KFNewMapObjects.ukx
#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=c:\UT2004\KFmod20\StaticMeshes\KFNewMeshes2.usx
#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=c:\UT2004\KFmod20\Textures\KFNewWeapons.utx
--- End code ---
should have been written this way:
--- Code: ---#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=KFNewMapObjects.ukx
#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=KFNewMeshes2.usx
#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=KFNewWeapons.utx
--- End code ---
you using 3 different way to load objects:
--- Code: ---#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=c:\ut2004\kfmod20\textures\KF-NewMapObjects1.utx
00011: #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Sounds\ONSVehicleSounds-S.uax
00012: #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=InterfaceContent.utx
--- End code ---
eg right now ucc gives me this error:
--- Code: ---Warning: Failed to load 'SkeletalMesh KFNewVehicles1.Pinz': Failed to find object 'SkeletalMesh KFNewVehicles1.Pinz'
Error: ObjectProperty Engine.Actor.Mesh: unresolved reference to 'SkeletalMesh'KFNewVehicles1.Pinz''
--- End code ---
I fixed this by editing the KFMod.pinz class:
uncommented this line:
--- Code: ---#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Animations\KFNewVehicles1.Pinz.ukx
--- End code ---
end edited:
--- Code: ---#exec OBJ LOAD FILE=KFNewVehicles1.ukx
--- End code ---
Since you were using this object in defaultproperties:
--- Code: ---Mesh=SkeletalMesh'KFNewVehicles1.Pinz'
--- End code ---
It needed to be loaded first.
But this gives me another error:
--- Code: ---Critical: Assertion failed: FriendlyName!=NAME_None [File:.\UnClass.cpp] [Line: 692]
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: UStruct::Serialize
Critical: (Class KFNewVehicles1.Options2DShaperBezierDetail0)
Critical: UState::Serialize
Critical: UClass::Serialize
Critical: (Class KFNewVehicles1.Options2DShaperBezierDetail0)
Critical: LoadObject
Critical: (Class KFNewVehicles1.Options2DShaperBezierDetail0 6124593==6124593/9543844 6124588 1)
Critical: ULinkerLoad::Preload
Critical: PreLoadObjects
Critical: UObject::EndLoad
Critical: UObject::LoadPackage
Critical: UEditorEngine::SafeExec
--- End code ---
Corrupt KFNewVehicles1.ukx?
Basicly, this is how far I am right now...
Nice you're giving it a try. I'll send you some links.
Demon, hi! Coding problems remain with v3 storymode....
??? KF3 Revised,
Made a few changes to KFMod.u file on zombies. Edited KF-Gametype.uc with the lines below. See CODE below:
--- Code: --- MonsterClassName(0)="KFChar.ZombieWretch" // Replaced these monsters with DOOM3 characters
--- End code ---
Shades and DOOM3 Fat Zombie (they use wrench and throw exploding barrels)
Wretch Zombie
I hope this does not go into kf3, as most of the zombie are pretty fine as they are.
Why you can't simple add zombie, maybe by editing Kfchar.u
Edit: I'm sure, that in that file, you can modify the game play a bit. by deciding with monster spawn, what are spawn groups and etc.
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