Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
It's too old - the whole engine: There are less functions and it looks as old it is. And If you want to improve the graphics (if you have success) the whole game will lag.
That's why we should change to a newer engine.
--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on January 31, 2012, 05:59 ---It's too old - the whole engine: There are less functions and it looks as old it is. And If you want to improve the graphics (if you have success) the whole game will lag.
That's why we should change to a newer engine.
--- End quote --- the scenes shown aren't that difficult with a little learning.
Definitely agree UTk4 is way old. But I said to Raj if he wanted to continue fixing the UTk4 storymode code, i'd help where I could.
Working with UDK (aka UT3) the past couple of weeks importing and using meshes I made up for storymode of a famous London landmark, the results are amazing. But before in UTk4 mesh lighting was a mismatch of shadows/brightness in the wrong places - a pain to correct. In UDK collections of meshes can look like single seamless objects because the shadowing is correct. And using the right lights, meshes also cast proper shadows. Besides that, moving meshes into exact positions, and using BSP is made very easy.
For mappers, the map area is 'infinite.' Make walls floors and/or terrain around your play area. The sky mesh is inside the map. No more zones. But need a killzone under your map so players won't fall forever. No more lost zombies ^^
Also the bump-mapping among the nice shadowing and lighting is sweet. Tho I've seen some crazy tutorials about texture making, which have huge collections of instructions to make 1 texture, but I learned - mainly from UDK makers tuts, easier simpler ways.
Besides all that, breakable meshes are easy to make - shoot a mesh and it will shatter. And their karma equivalent actually works.
UDK team obviously worked hard improving every part of the game engine. Besides all that, loads of tutorials.
There's only a few mods made with UDK so far, but working with it is a dream so there'll be more.
In many ways UDK is a simplified version of UTk4, and looks 100% better.
And Raj has learned some UTk4 code, so UDK shouldn't be a big problem for him either.
It's all good ;D
Well... when we should buy UT3? :D
Even if you would do so: UDK comes with a compiler which even builds a windows installer. You can make your OWN games :P
:P To Snipe34,
You are making me REALLY wide-eyed with curiosity. I might go do some UDK editor-ing!
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