Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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hicks question made another one pop up in my mind..... will it stop(like it normal ut2004) if you hit a tiny tiny plant with it?

Sry Hicks not sure how much power until I test it on zombies... muha ^^  Strength, same, dunno.

Slim, make plants non-collision so your map won't have that problem = StaticMeshActorProperties > Collision > bBlockActors: False > bBlockKarma: False > BCollideActors: False > bPathColliding: False

The head, Zaid,  - Trader retail Steam head.  Our new V3 Trader testing the sword.  Old mod trader head will be next  :-X


--- Quote from: raj@wifi on May 16, 2011, 00:25 ---
--- Quote from: Vasdamas on May 07, 2011, 14:47 ---Hello again.

I played KF 2.1 yesterday and found some things which were not added to current KF version  :-[

Here are my new suggestions to next version.
1st  Ninja soldier skin from kf 2.1 (link)
I like this one and would like to see it in kf 2.3

2nd Old Bullup model from KF2.1 (link)
It looks really awesome and much more realistic than current bullup model

3rd Zeds' tracking heads from KF2.1 (link)
I was like "WTH?! They are watching me!  ???" when I saw it for the first time xD
It also adds some horror effects (imo) :P

And the 4th suggestion is old horde howl.
I remember that howl in KF 1.0 when wave spawns. It could scary shit out of me sometimes  :D (especially when I forgot to buy ammo)

--- End quote ---

holy sh*t, tracking heads!
Why the hell was this feature removed from 2.5?

I also like the bullpup more. Feels "heavier".

Anyway, upload your pics somewhere else next time. Imageshack is so slow.

--- End quote ---

Don't zombies heads already track?  I mean EG when someone is above like House-In-The-Hills, or Box, Zs will look up at you if you shoot them.


--- Quote from: raj@wifi on May 16, 2011, 00:25 ---Anyway, upload your pics somewhere else next time. Imageshack is so slow.

--- End quote ---
I upload pics to imageshack  to be 100% sure that I'll be able to see these pics  on the next day.
Unlike photobucket and others "fast image hostings" Imageshack keeps your pics for years .

Just dont donload pics from imageshack if you can't stand it's slowness

Just saying ;)

@Snipe34 dunno
I've just played 2.5 and saw no tracking heads =/

Imageshack deleted my oldest pictures, that's why I changed to flickr.
But there's just one issue: they resize it to 1024x768


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