Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
--- Quote from: demon on March 10, 2012, 22:42 ---Hello ! Nice work you guys are doing here! Good luck and don't give up !! :)
--- End quote ---
Progress is slow because there's no coder, but I'm trying to learn. Other than that with textures, meshes, animations i have no problem. And I moved on to UDK which is much easier to work with and looks 100% better. BUT, it still has code - similar to UTk4. Probably I can fix UTk4 version 3 retrospectively.
Also we have to move house because the rent is too much, so nice distraction from coding XD
Gotta love UT and Direct 3D :D
Looks like Direct 5D XD
:-[ To Snipe34,
Any chance you can release the BETA for the public use? Looks like these guys have been waiting for so long. It was suppose to be released this month.
Besides I added info on Killing Floor Mod WIkipedia of KF V3 - And Killing Floor Mod wiki -
I seriously just watched 4 different people edit it, remove it, and throw it all over the place xD
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