Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Have perfect skin for Audrey ^^

I saw the Challenger 2 tanks, They look insanely overpowered, I hate to ask, but wouldn't it be better to use an APC instead of a tank? Just with a snow plow at the front so we can run over clots with ease!!! That, or make the Behomoth...

Think of a clot that has had their arms combined with a hydraulic hammer, their muscles have been greatly increased in size. Veins are popping out of the chest, arm, and head: black and red veins (twizzlers)!! When he moves, he leaves decal cracks into the ground. His melee is devestating usually a 2 to 1 hit kill. He is a slow mover, but has a huge amount of health. Use modfied versions of the clot sound effects to make his noises, just remember to add a thud when ever he steps.

Ok some news.

Tripwire sent me an email, saying they own the Mod Content and discontinue developing the mod.  They added if I really wanted to, they could talk 'terms' ie: I buy an option.
But fair enough, they bought the mod and well, how'd I feel if I bought a mod and some prick like me kept working on it. ^^   To be honest I should have realized that Tripwire buying the mod meant exactly that: they own the KF name and content, but duh, I didn't think.

They were nice enough and we had dialogue.  It's been decided Tripwire will extend Tripwire Killing Floor to include, Story Mode - as an optional add-on mod is what I understand.  That may change, I don't know.  I told them I'd nearly finished SM apart from GameType and other code details.  That I'm passionate about Story Mode and want it finished.

That explained, they liked the SM idea - some of their people have been pushing for SM too.  And for me, SM has always been the obvious next step in KF Survivial.
Tripwire told Alex (KF creator) to write the Story Mode code.  I sent Alex details of SM requirements that I've gone through with the other coders: player respawns; end game etc and I sent V3 Mod beta.   Another mapper Fel, at Tripwire is also passionate about SM and will be doing maps.  The three of us will finish Story Mode.

Probably this situation isn't totally acceptable to everyone, but I want this finished.  It's been part of my life for several years now.  But so has Miasma which has become a nice place to go with nice people.  If you're interested I can keep you posted.  And I hope you'll be there, somewhere around! when Tripwire releases Story Mode.

I am actually ok with this :D

I have been an eager waiter for KFv3, and seen a few successes/failures with it while I stood in the sidelines. The way I see it, you did need some help, and as long as you aren't getting in any trouble about this and getting some help to finish it, then that's great! It seems you can almost consider yourself an unpaid TWI employee :P

On the other side, will we be able to continue hosting our KF server? I don't see why not...

Try and convince Alex to come play KFmod with us?

 :'( KFmod is dead :'(
There is nothing new (except the custom maps) in this branch of the game idea.

Maybe I should get the retail game then, but I always thought it will not be worth it.

OK Snipe, I respect that. Please keep informing us about updates.
IMO you deserve to harvest the fruits of your hard work. If they offer you a deal: just do it!

And all the others: wait for another hero who tries to fork the game and release it with new engine and skins under another name.
(But I guess he will not appear that way)


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