Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Sorry to hear that. But I'm glad you talked to TW and they didn't just sue you for developing the mod ^^

I probably won't buy retail. I mean retail isn't that bad... I would just have to redo all my maps :D
Also KF Mod is somewhat nostalgic and I wouldn't want to replace it with a new game.

Off Topic: I still don't see the problem with steam. Getting 30 Games for like 50€ (+ a game that would cost 45€ anyway), I don't see the problem  :D


--- Quote from: Vanico on April 04, 2012, 11:51 ---Off Topic: I still don't see the problem with steam. Getting 30 Games for like 50€ (+ a game that would cost 45€ anyway), I don't see the problem  :D

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IMO Steam is a piece of spying bloatware. When I got a game I want to run is out of the box and set all settings ingame (or by modifying cfg files if really needed).

@ Darkelarious:
As I know it's a closed project so Snipe should send you his latest "SVN".
IMO if you really want to help developing after all, you should change the name of the mod and someone should replace the other resources.
The code is inside the game files and can be recompiled, but unfortunately all these commandline parameters from the ucc binary only work under Windows. In the Linux version there are only the server functions.

Yep, well I was in-game with Alex&co testing and he asked me to leave so that his friends could join...

I could hardly complain, he's the man and it's his community, even if I think he's bad mannered.  There was always some tension so I thought screw this, I don't have to feel tense and get head fucked.

So back to the mod, probably Krieg Frieden und Zombies... a good name for a new mod?


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on April 05, 2012, 20:14 ---So back to the mod, probably Krieg Frieden und Zombies... a good name for a new mod?

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Let me suggest to let the story take part in Germany. New weapons: M4 or G36, Panzerfaust, Potato cannon.

 :( To Snipe34,

Yeh, that Germany thing is worth a look see. DEAD WINTER anyone?

Also, just to be fair to Alex, he did let me edit the Killing Floor Mod on ModDB. That is why I was able to post the NEWS on KF V3.


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