Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Well I finished the tank but subbing the Goliath (hover tank) script doesn't work - sort of - the turret shoots, gun moves up and down, but doesn't otherwise no movement. And I want a gunner as the secondary which will be later...
I'm waiting for a reply from Hamada and that is frustrating, I don't know what he's doing, where he's up to, so I feel alone in the project sometimes.
Hamada is a determined guy, he will finish V3, I have confidence in him. But last I heard he was stuck on the Browning code and Winchester reload - I wrote and told him leave them, if they fail too bad. Move on. Let's get this finished.
So for what it's worth I'm fucking pissed off at the moment that nothings happening @#$!@%!@$^
Challenger 2 and Pinzgauer with MG. Trying to code the Challenger2 turret MG so that a guy can rotate independently from the main cannon turret - while obviously still being attached to the main cannon turret
Pinzgauer MG is slightly different problem from Challenger2, but I'm working with both mg codes at the same time anyway. Having some success... ^^ Hamada has been urging me to learn code, so resentfully I am... He's a busy guy with many commitments - I have more time.
The Challenger mg on the Cannon Turret is from the default UT2004 Goliath code, which I'm using. But the Goliath MG is anchored to the Goliath body. Means for the Goliath the mg turret has to be centred. The Challenger 2 mg has to be off-centred - but having slow success with that.
I've taken off the health bar, big green line.
Not sure about aiming sights. Maybe I'll try to place the driver inside the tank (but with aiming sights) and no outside view except as if he is in a tank?? Please suggest ideas, but I don't know yet what I can change... I'm learning code.
So the tank view may have to be as you see it now. My excuse for that: you find a tank, don't know how to use it properly except only shoot and load - point the turret in the general direction of zombies?? :D
But hey apart from shooting the patty, "general direction" splatters mfing zombies everywhere. 8)
The Challenger 2 cannon is slightly more powerful than 1 LAW shot.
The Challenger 2 is not easy for zombies to destroy by hitting it - but if you get many zombies hitting it --you can't shoot too close to tank or you take off much tank health-- can be tricky.
I played against the patty and took him down, but he nearly destroyed the tank. For some reason his MG seemed to fire at double speed. But maybe it's always that way, I was never close enough to the patty in standard Survival games for long enough to notice his mg...
One of his rockets takes about 1/8th damage from the Challenger.
Why vehicles in KF??
Many people like tanks, and I am one them =D
They are for storymode mappers to place or not place. I think Hicks style map would make a hard storymode map even with tanks 8)
I'm still working on NO roadkill damage! (ya, I was fighting the patty and accidentally ran over him, :( )
There will be 2 Pinz.
One pinz without guns - I'm still trying to place the passenger position (beside the driver in the cab) without a gun... not working yet.
The Pinz with guns, has a browning mg either side. Pics below show my first attempt to mount a Browning - despite gun size it's a huge success - the gun is attached using my copy, paste hax code, yay! Resizing is no big deal.
Although... I'm using the ONS stationary defence gun code and firing purple UT shit, lol, so some more work to do there before I get the bang bang I want. And... it's firing the wrong way, means I have some gun bones wrong, but no big deal either.
But, one big bug every time I enter a map with a vehicle - this shit fills up the KFMod20 log file very quickly (a small copy of 40megs - 80megs worth):
So I have to track that bug somehow. I saw reference to it on sites but no solutions yet that I understand...
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0168) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0319) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawHudPassA:01FE) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawModOverlay:00DA) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0123) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:014E) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0168) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0319) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawHudPassA:01FE) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawModOverlay:00DA) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0123) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:014E) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0168) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0319) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawHudPassA:01FE) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawModOverlay:00DA) Accessed None 'Pawn'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0123) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:014E) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0168) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.UpdateHUD:0319) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
Warning: HUDKillingFloor KF-Pinz_ChallengerTest.HUDKillingFloor (Function KFMod.HUDKillingFloor.DrawHudPassA:01FE) Accessed None 'PawnOwner'
MORE progress!!!!!!!!! wooot
Got rid of the purple shit and the UT Stationary gun - resized the browning but yawn at 05:41am ???
(but todo: still have to get rid of log spam. I resized gun in UT editor, but collision is still original huge size, so in-game I bumped into invisible gun about 2metres away. Gun support on Pinz needs raising so solider holds gun handle. And gun points to left when firing to right... bones wrong, damn)
But other than that success!!!!!! woot - and where's my bed... night night
Nice Snipe :) that's some good worke you have done :)
That's awesome^^
looks great
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