Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Need I remind you, I AM THIRTEEN!!!!!!!!!

I have a couple of ideas for sounds and voices but you'll have to tell me what type is it, wave or boss (patty [I disagree the idea of having another boss] anyway here

She looks like Chell from portal WTF!?
BOSS: Entrance
"That stuck up bastard got killed? Maybe I should pay them"
"It looks as though you have grown, now it's time to cut you down!"
"My husband was always a pussy, but I'm a bitch"

Being shot/ shot at
"That's no way to treat a woman"

Cloak/ searching
"I'm going to find you before you find me"
"Hide and Seek time?"

Health Draining
[I have one request, when there are other specimens, will she be able to stab the needle into one of them, sorta like the big sister from bioshock 2?]
"Don't worry, this won't hurt one bit"
"(upon player death when health drain) HE IS EMPTY, time for the next one hehehahAHAHA"

"(singing ring around the rosie)"
"He was terrible in bed (chuckle) good thing I won't have to see him again"

Calling for help from Specimens
"(crawlers) (sings itsy-bitsy spider)"
"(stalkers and sirens) COME MY DAUGHTERS!! ATTACK!!"
"(clots and gorefasts) COME MY SONS!!!! ATTACK!!!"
"(bloaters) I think someone is sick"

Hey, no offense or anything, but the Clamely model has to be changed because I'll get kicked off the game because, well, just look at the model.


--- Quote from: Snipe34 on April 09, 2011, 02:54 ---Mrs Clamely, also wip.  Currently being animated.  Hamada is working on her code, because I have completely NO IDEA how to do that, lol.  Sry colours look stark in the 3d Program.

Her right hand is the claw, left hand is a needle to suck health.  The 2 spike parts of the claw extend to impale.  The needle extends from a compartment attached to her arm.

She will be like a Stalker, mostly invisible.  She will be fast.  Will do the siren scream.  I've animated her so far with some high kicks and spin kicks + needle insertion.  Notice the spikes on her feet for kicking.  Have to find some sounds for her - besides the siren scream (already in KF) - probably hissing and mumbling about her husband the patty...?


--- End quote ---

KF is an 18+ game

The issue here is not nudity - it's game play.  Apologies if my long and time consuming efforts at art offend anyone's 'genteel Victorian morals.'  As I said - like Stalkers, she'll be invisible most of the time.

Totally agree with Raj.  Patty has a huge dangling dick, but a woman's breasts and everyone's 0.0?!  This site has some sexist pricks :D.

Voices.  My wife and another woman who's also a gamer - she is too good xd - suggested voices are passe but hisses and screeches would be better, so idk :s

Anyway, progress.  I sent these pics to Raj and I thought I may as well post here too.

Some history: making a weap requires much detailed research.  I looked at many M202 pics, and ALL the other game pics vids I saw of the M202 were incorrect.  Their sights were wrong and obviously they didn't understand the loading mechanism.  What saved us so that Miasma has the only correct working model of the M202 was Igor at  Thank you Igor Chudov =D

And the rockets of the RPG and M202.  They are quite low poly because in-flight they can't be examined closely.  The fire is animated so it looks like real fire.  Also there will be the usual smoke trail.  I made a high poly meshes in case mappers want to place them at the Traders or something like that (obviously without the animated fire trails!).

Note that colours look very stark because they are screenshots from the 3d program.
M202 sights.  Note that the sight reticle image is also a correct type for rocket sights.  The sight view in the pic will look different in-game - but a temporary pic needs to be added in the 3d program.

M202 projectile.  What emerges from M202 when fired in-game.  Will look similar to the LAW projectile you'll only see it for a second or so until it hits something.

RPG projectile - the fins of both rotate, as per the pics.  Both rockets are accurate copies of the real thing in-flight.

The clip that locks the 4 rocket pack to the four pin firing mechanism. 

The sights again showing how the mechanism operates - not that players can use the mechanism, but like the firing mechanism, 'tis the only correct model of the M202 that I've seen on the internets =D

Also, Gab wanted a gold Handcannon - it is a .50cal Desert Eagle.  Hamada has the files and he has applied it to the gun for Version 3.  I can only show you the texture, not in-game, sry.  Besides gold it's also very shiny ^^

Old BP sight and the old LAW sight modified.  BP i made the red dot brighter and more like the laser it should represent.  The law sight reticle is more correct for a rocket launcher - you can see the reticle lines if you squint :)

todo:  animate M202, make MP5, fix trader anims - wait for Hamada for more info about animating Mrs Clamely - make Mrs Clamely invisible texture... and do more work on latest storymap,,, etc etc.  Meanwhile Hamada is working hard on the code when he has free time.


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