Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Great Work :D
Also I'm glas Hamada is still alive.
Get well, man!

Watched video. Woah, so damn cool :o
Tank will be almost ultimate weapon on big open maps... :-\ But small streets make the difference ;D
Bull looks pretty nice. Since i prefer play as medic, new powerful pistol is all i wanted :D


--- Quote from: Hicks on June 02, 2011, 07:58 ---Watched video. Woah, so damn cool :o
Tank will be almost ultimate weapon on big open maps... :-\ But small streets make the difference ;D
Bull looks pretty nice. Since i prefer play as medic, new powerful pistol is all i wanted :D

--- End quote ---

yeah, if i play medic all i want is a more powerfull pistol, i mean, a medic gun is just not cool anymore XD


--- Quote ---a medic gun is just not cool anymore
--- End quote ---
You mean medic gun from retail? Yep, this piece of sh*t really sucks. Oh, Snipe, what do you think about bonus reloading speed for medic? Same as commando, for example, but only for pistols. I don't think that will ruin gameplay, but medic is most harmless class in the game :-[

Woot amazing progress! This is going to be soo fun...


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