Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

KF Mod Version 3 - progress

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Survival has a certain difficulty, and I think Alex Quick the creator had an excellent vision of weapon / monster balance, the result a hardcore zombie shooter.  The guns are pretty crap for one reason or another.  Probably Alex didn't have a lot of clues about weapons, but that factor added to the hardcore of the concept: guys struggling to survive with inferior weapons against a relentless enemy.
So I'm saying the whole concept works, whether thru careful planning or accident.

And I think KF retail's messing screwed that concept because the KFMod worked just fine.
For those reasons we don't want to mess with KFModSurvival too much.  Big guns and tanks in Survival, well obviously no.  Bang, bang, we won - hardcore element is gone.  May as well put on godmode.

Sure for V3 Survival there'll be more guns, but only variations of what's already in Survival.

Storymode is a whole different concept.   The KF story moves forward: the DRF KF Soldier has conquered survival - the waves the crap weapons - so now he moves on to a different part of the KF story.  And that's Missions or stories.

The Ultimax 100 round magazine, bullet power similar to the Winchester except it's an automatic - so point it at clots, bloats, stalkers, crawlers and fire, they they just fall over.  The Ultimax would make a joke of Survival Mode, but in Storymode a mapper isn't going to send you the puny equivalent of Survival's first wave.

No way, because Storymode is the next step in the KF story.  It's harder.  So the weapons are bigger, more accurate, you can aim down the sights on many of them.  And you'll need to.

Wave 1 Survival on Normal mode with the Ultimax.  Barely uses a whole magazine.
The vid sound is a bit strange, sry

Wow. Watched video and i'm only want to say F**K YEAH!11 :o
Aiming with powerful pistol is all i needed all last time :D


--- Quote from: Hicks on June 14, 2011, 20:21 ---Wow. Watched video and i'm only want to say F**K YEAH!11 :o
Aiming with powerful pistol is all i needed all last time :D

--- End quote ---

Taurus / Handcannon will be about the same, but aiming makes a difference =D   I will negotiate with Hamada for aiming on the single M10.

Vid of M10s and Taurus in action - again sound a little screwed

M10 is pretty fast. Nice.. 8)

Sry, I didn't want to sound rude or something.
Just wanted to know the big difference between HC and Taurus then... ^^
Didn't know you can aim, thanks.

This will be a nice backup weapon for sharpshooters.


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