Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Yep, sights will be fixed for V3
Until then try and memorize the sight pics as to where your shots are going.
For BP, aim lower and right of the red splodge.
The Winchester, using the sight tip as your marker, aim lower and a little to the right.
Law, aim left and down a little.
If you forget what hits where, stand facing a wall - aim at a certain point, fire several shots. See where it hits then compensate, left, right up or down - except for the law! Just remember the law (because it leaves a huge black mark) - aim left and lower.
Crossbows. I had one, and it was fairly hard to load. But the shot result was about the same as a .177 air rifle and less accurate.
A little more powerful: Modern xbow At 15 yards, not a great distance - a .22 long rifle shot would do the same or worse from 30 yards.
More powerful:
Notice the size of the mf thing. And the loading stirrup at the front.
From another site:"The average distance at which animals are taken with crossbow is under 20 yards, and about 90% of all shots are under 25 yards."
Under 20 yards, not a great a distance, hunting-wise would mean a lot of sneaking and crawling.
I think the xbow power myth comes from a time when xbows were bigger than the biggest today. And they would have had wind up loads. Sadly I think the KFMod xbow, considering its size, accurately represents a rl xbow.
just tossing a weird idea out there... but why not make xbow arrows explosive?
that would make it more realistic right? (going from the fact that exploding Xbow arrows exists)
Played too mach CoD Black Ops, eh? :D
Know what'd be interesting?
Adding different ammo types, which you can buy at the trader.
no :P tbh i got the idea from farcry2. but when i went looking for vids on youtube, i noticed that it was put in CoD black ops very quickly -.-'
clips copy pasted from Hamada's email just arrived about V3 progress:
"We tested like for an 40 minutes the vehicles and the kflog only was about 1mb. It was useful so I could see more Log problems to fix."
-there were problems with the log spam if you recall I mentioned above-
"fixed the problem with the damn object.... After trying and trying and trying I discovered that the problem was "bCollideWorld=true"."
-Hamada is referring to fixing storymode achieving objectives part-
I'm on a couple of projects, hammer, bits of wood weapons and various odd guns like stationary chaingun - for mappers to place. Looks like I'm going to be turning to tuts and finishing maps for V3 soon.
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