Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod
KF Mod Version 3 - progress
Sounds cool ;)
It's time to move forward - the game is getting old ;)
--- Quote from: N3Cr0 on June 23, 2011, 15:36 ---Great.
It's time to move forward - the game is getting old ;)
--- End quote ---
Too true, but aren't we all ^^
We're hurrying best we can.
So... WILL there be triggered spawns for survival?
And I mean spawns which are only activated by a trigger.
Hicks showed me some triggered spawns for story mode, but those spawn zeds even in trader time... Not really what I needed :D
Another question:
Does that mean, that Tripwire will probably take some things from v3 (like matriarch) and implent them in retail?
--- Quote from: Vanico on June 23, 2011, 18:08 ---So... WILL there be triggered spawns for survival?
And I mean spawns which are only activated by a trigger.
Hicks showed me some triggered spawns for story mode, but those spawn zeds even in trader time... Not really what I needed :D
Another question:
Does that mean, that Tripwire will probably take some things from v3 (like matriarch) and implent them in retail?
--- End quote ---
Lol, the Matriarch in retail, probably not being she's naked. And although the Matriarch will be free to be distributed, like everything else, EXCEPT for money-making enterprises, twi would have to pay me, Hamada and Raj and they wouldn't do that lolol. Oh yeah, probably Alex Quick too as he developed the basic KFMod.
So no, they'd make their own Matriarch because ideas cannot be copyrighted.
SpawnTriggers. Hamada was talking about special ZombieVolumes for storymode. Probably similar to the ScriptedTrigger: ActorBrowser > Keypoint > AIScript > ScriptedSequence > ScriptedTrigger.
So storymode ZombieVolume and ScriptedTrigger would be similar, but probably the Hamada Storymode ZombieVolume would be simpler and probably better so zombies can't appear from nowhere - as they do in Horztal atm :/
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