Gaming Zone > Killing Floor Mod

Suggestion For KF Online...

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 :-[ To KF Coders,

I have a suggestion. Seeing that a few people have this problem, why can't one of the KF 2.52 coders make a script or code that will enable KF dedicated server log in without messing with the router application/etc... settings!?!? Like instant personal server log in from other players.

not sure what you mean...

 :-[ To MiA Raj,

This is merely a suggestion. It's from reading post on Unreal Tournament 2004 and Killing Floor 2.52 online connection. KF gamers such as myself have this problem with having other players connecting to their personal servers because of need for port forwarding  on their routers. Is there any way a coder can change this so they won't have to do any router setting changes?

So, you're still stuck with that thing...

--- Quote from: poompoom500 on April 12, 2011, 11:15 ---Is there any way a coder cam change this so they won't have to do any router setting changes?

--- End quote ---

No. Read about how port forwarding and routers work:
It's not something on UT side that can be changed.

As I said already (was it a year ago? lol), I can try helping you to config your router via remote assistance. Get Teamviewer and contact me when you see me online (on Xfire/playing).

There's could also be other blocking factors, such as ISP.

 :-[ To MiA Raj,

Will you give me your x-fire name so I can include you in my friend's list? And use teamworks?


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