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Five places to download free movies (legal)
The Internet Archive - This is the motherlode for all kinds of free media (it\'s even got video games). The Archive has loads of old movies, foreign films, documentaries, and more. There\'s even a couple of movies about ice cream (hey, we just blog about this stuff -- we can\'t explain it either).
Emol - If comedy and cartoons are what you\'re after, is the place to go. Here\'s where you\'ll find Charlie Chaplin, The Three Stooges, Bugs Bunny, and Popeye.
AngryAlien - Just because none of these sites are likely to have the latest box office blockbuster available, that doesn\'t mean you can\'t still watch Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, or Star Wars. In less than 30 seconds. Acted out by bunnies.
PublicDomainTorrents - Head here for B-movies "Like Attack of the Giant Leeches", "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein\'s Daughter" (wonder what that love child looks like?), and "Track of the Moon Beast". On the other hand, you\'ll also find "Night of the Living Dead" on this site -- so it\'s not all bad.
AtomFilms - There are some very creative films on this site made up of mostly user-created content. AtomFilms is a service of MTV Networks that serves up content to mobile phones and Web sites, but since they\'re partnered with Comedy Central and Spike TV there are a few gems on here if you poke around a bit.
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Movies about Ice Cream? Have to check that out :shock:
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