Kreative Korner > Maps & Mapping


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Tried it. Well, overall feeling - nice map with pretty visual style (especially i liked vitrages). I didn't notice serious bugs. Somewhere lighting is too bright and first time i started map i suddenly died without a reason. I think one of player spawns stuck in level geometry or too close to wall or something else... in second time i spawned normally. So, better check player spawns and maybe remove some pickups - is too many of them.

Okay.. Do you think removing the "Traderzone" ?

Yea - one of the player spawns lets you die instantly.
Anyway, there are weapons, ammo, armor and medipacks everywhere - seems to be easy, but beware: If you think you're safe they will spawn behind you :P

However, maybe removing the trader is not a bad idea... or you have to remove some weapons and ammo in the map - it's up to you.

Achja, ich habe bis heute noch nie Essigwurst gegessen - werde ich wohl mal googlen müssen^^
Edit: Klingt nicht schlecht - werde ich demnächst mal probieren ;)

"Patched" Version:
First Download was required to play/start this Map. (

-Trader removed.
-Some Pickups removed.
-Rebuild Paths and changed 1 Playerstart that was too close to Wall (I can't find bugged Playerstart :O)
-Replies please =)

@N3Cr0: They don't spawn behind you, they spawn on top of you ....
Achja ich machs immer so: Ne Schüssel, bissl Essig rein, mit Wasser verdünnen bis schmeckt, dann Knacker, Zwiebelringe und Tomaten rein, (evtl. auch noch Eierscheiben oder sonstiges), vermischen und fertig (:


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