Kreative Korner > Maps & Mapping
Mutators In Your Map...
>:( To Miasma Gamers,
Here is a brief tutorial on applying MUTATORS to your individual maps - LevelGameRules. You can make mutators work in your map by placing this ACTOR in it.
1. Click on your ACTOR BROWSER (chess pawn) on the top menu bar. Scroll down to INFO. Then go to LevelGameRules. Click on it.
2. Go to your map and right click on where you want to place the actor. Then get its PROPERTIES (chess pawn with rectangle). Scroll down to LevelGameRules, then go down to MapMutator, and then to Add. Click on the bar that will appear after ADDING and choose your mutator.
3. Save the map. Then BUILD ALL. Then save again.
:-\ Continuation,
BTW (by the way), you can use more that one mutators. Just click on ADD, and choose as many mutators.
Any way to get a mutator that didn't originally come with UT2004 in there? (Example: Excessive Overkill)
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