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Paint.mono - for Linux


Most Windows users prefer the graphics editor - an alternative to GIMP, which is too hard to use for some people. Linux users complained it is only available as Windows binaries, but there is a solution: It was ported (unofficially) from .NET to Mono.

About Mono:

--- Quote ---Mono

An open source, cross-platform, implementation of C# and the CLR that is binary compatible with Microsoft.NET
--- End quote ---

So Installing should be pretty easy: Just install the Mono development packages and get the latest subversion of Paint.mono

Easiest way for Ubuntu users:

--- Code: ---$ sudo apt-get install mono-devel monodevelop mono-tools-gui mono-tools-devel subversion
--- End code ---

Switch to the directory where you want to save the program.

--- Code: ---$ svn co paint-mono
$ cd paint-mono
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
--- End code ---

You can now simply start the program with

--- Code: ---$ paintdotnet
--- End code ---

Have fun  :excited:

I'm not using Linux, but is a great tool and I'm glad that Linux Users can enjoy it too :)

I tried this a while back and couldn't get it to install properly :(
Maybe I'll try it again later...


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