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Krieg, Frieden und Zombies

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what about dailiymotion?

i heard mp4 uploads to utube are fast.  Recommended for conversion to mp4 is Handbrake, fr. free dl.

Anyways, I will try poom's method since most of my vids are on xfire already.  Thanks for that!

for converting something i'd recommend SuperC
very useful and free
use it since 2009


--- Quote from: [MiA]crazzy on May 28, 2012, 09:54 ---for converting something i'd recommend SuperC
very useful and free
use it since 2009

--- End quote ---
I used this tool for a long time, but then I noticed it has a bad compression: the files become too big, not matter what you are doing.
Honestly, I don't really know some good converter tools, but if you can handle a commandline, you can give ffmpeg a try (available for Windows and Linux). Once you have found the right settings you could write a batch or shell script and open files with from your filebrowser with it.
EDIT: You might be needing a few examples (mp4 tutorial on page 3)

KFZ ChallengerII - still to make the LeopardII

For the German input, N3CrO is learning a 3d Program to make some local German content.  Signs and stuff.  Also we'll make some notable German landmark, somewhere we can fend off monsters.  Vanico wants money, so... he'll be on a street somewhere, selling stuff I guess?  ???
Sweety also offered some help with images, and I'll keep that in mind because lots of stuff needs making - everything in fact.

For the moment, ChallengerII in UDK.
Code isn't finished.  I'm using UT3 code and code from Geodav, a helpful person on UTForums.  And the AnimTree, something new to UT3/UDK, also with help from a Geodav tutorial.
I usually have little trouble with vehicles, and the code so far looks pretty straightforward.

But, notice the MG turret!  Unlike UT2004, UDK allows the whole tank can be imported as one piece.   Besides a working MG, the tank wheels move and as before, the tank tracks.  Also there is suspension, the tracks will go up and down over bumps.
The ChallengerII will take 3 people: Driver; Cannon Turret and MG.  I'll make the collision so that people can climb up and be passengers.

Notice the beautiful bump mapping ^^


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