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Krieg, Frieden und Zombies

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Can you blow it up? :>

 :challengeconsidered: To Snipe34,

--- Quote ---Open the skeletalmesh view of the vehicle.  Open SocketManager - keep SocketManager open.   Next, in the the 3d window the sockets will be purple.  Click the ViewSocket, which is what you want to move.  With ViewSocket selected move the socket to where you want it.  Close that browser and don't forget to save: Right click the vehicle file > Save.
--- End quote ---
I know that I am deviating from the topic, but how exactly do I get the SOCKETMANAGER? I opened the editor in the TOP SKELETAL (WIREFRAME) VIEW and I ENABLED SHOW SOCKET NAMES from VIEW, but how do I get the SocketManager?

Hi Vani!

Blow it up? - you took the thoughts right out of my mind!  It can be destroy like most vehicles, so probably a huge destruction sequence which will destory everything in a large radius, is what I'm hoping can be achieved, muhaaaa.

Poom, sorry about the bad res, you'll have to squint or use a magnifying glass :p

I click on the skeletal mesh, and open the skeletal mesh

With the skeletal mesh open, i click on the Socket Manager

With the Socket manager open, I can see the Sockets

I'm not touching the Socket Manager box itself, I'm in the screen with the Challenger.  I click on a socket and then it's arrow - to move the Socket to where I want.

I have moved the socket back a little...


Okay. I got it. Thank you Snipe34!

Just to CLARIFY, I repeated the PROCESS but have pointed out a few things (in images) as seen below:

1. Open Editor. Get CONTENT BROWSER. Click on SKELETAL MESHES. Then scroll down to CHALL2FBX.

2. Then RIGHT CLICK on the picture (chall2FBX) and scroll to topwards (Edit Using Anim Set Viewer...) and click.

3. Then you get the AnimSet Editor. Then click on SOCKET MANAGER (the picture on top menu of AnimSet Editor of a down arrow on top of red triangle).

4. Then you'll get the socket manager dialog box and click on DRIVERVIEWSOCKET. Move the socket manager dialog box out of the way and click on the ARROW (red, green, blue) to RELOCATE the point (driver view point) to where ever you want it to go. Click on the BLUE ARROW (until it TURNS YELLOW) to move the point UPWARDS, etc...


Anyway you can make a code for monster/zombie spawn for KFZ so we can play a little bit in a map? UT3 has an invasion mod you can look into -


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