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Krieg, Frieden und Zombies

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Got fraps 2.5 working.

Start of the UDK Borthwick map, swaying grass, breakable meshes, underwater effect. Pretty shite vid for 480mbyte, but doing a hundred things at once my mind's all over the place ::) 

No footstep sounds yet.  After the character is finished and imported to UDK I can add the footstep sounds.  The code for it is done ^^
End of the video is a willow tree, looks shite, unfinished, but the fronds will wave when you brush thru them.  Also a pond... water needs work, etc.  I've also been working on a map with noteable London landmark which is a little more impressive, but that later nearer the mod's completion.

The dude/ette(s) with ammo pouches, and also backpack will be added.  The colouring for the pouches isn't complete, so they look shite but they will have buttons and flaps and he'll have a belt and other stuff.  Colouring is done up just below his knees.

That's awesome! I see your making advances.

Yeeeeah, nice stuff!

As I told you ingame I'd like to "work" for you as a translator if you need german textes.
I love translating things ^^


--- Quote from: Vanico on April 28, 2012, 22:49 ---Yeeeeah, nice stuff!

As I told you ingame I'd like to "work" for you as a translator if you need german textes.
I love translating things ^^

--- End quote ---

Nice!  A multilingual menu would be good.  German voices, like Medic, help, maybe some zound kinda thing...?  Not to mention Estonian, and of course MUSIC.

Model is done.


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