Kreative Korner > Maps & Mapping
The UDK, N1!
Everything is finished. If I had more meshes, emitters and sounds I could add more details. But that's AedisPigmentum in general.
New features:
2 new platforms. The obelisk in the middle is now a standalone platform. Will probably have ammo or weapon spawns. Then a pink (I had no other colors left :D) one with 2 small platforms, each with 1 staircase, parallel to each other. (You can see the pink platform in the first and the new, dark blue obelisk on the other pictures. The old blue platform is cyan now. You kinda can't see it on the 4 pictures. Only an edge)
Lighting has some oddities right now and it always says "Lighting has to be rebuild" for no reason whatsoever.
Great! First map finished for a game which is not even in preview-alpha release xD
Future has started NOW!
Well, this is just the basis. Of course it lacks everything like weapon spawns, zed spawns, trader, doors...
REALLY finishing it would take another week with bug testing, placing the spawns etc.
And finishing AedisPigmentum is pretty easy... It's just a bunch of colored rocks :D
Btw. for poompoom since I didn't answer his money room question:
Of course there will be a small money room. Like in AedisPigmentum ut2k4, the turquoise platform!
Btw. more progress:
The white platform ist also finished + teleporters, they work well! The extra teleporters deal damage again (red one deals more damage than blue one because it ports you to the other end of the map).
Since the map is pretty much finished and I won't edit it until I get a playable KFZ version (Trader, item spawns and so on) I wanted to ask you: Suggestions? Wishes?
I still have plenty of time to edit this map.
Sadly there isn't any space for more platforms.
Also I don't have any colors left :D
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